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"The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life,

         the Universe, and Everything"

Within Douglas Adams’ work, the answer to life itself is known as the number 42. Adam’s claims that


"It was a joke. It had to be a number, an ordinary, smallish number, and I chose that one. Binary representations, base 13, Tibetan monks are all complete nonsense. I sat on my desk, stared in to the garden and thought 42 will do. I typed it out. End of story."


However, many of his fans do not believe that Adam’s randomly picked this number for such an important question in his work. Many people have speculated over the concept and for varies reasons and here is a few of them.


In the series the number 42 is calculated by a giant computer, called Deep Thought, who has been trying to solve the answer to life for 7.5 million years. The computer claims that they will not like the answer because they have not asked a question. Although “The Question” is something people have been wondering forever. The scene in the movie is shown in the video clip above. 



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